CEN = Comité Européen de Normalisation = European Committee for Standardization. TC 136 is the group of all sports and WG 6 (working group 6) is group for Paragliding equipment.

Who is CEN and what is EN?

The National Standards Organizations (ex. AFNOR, BS, DIN, SN, SNV) from almost 30 European countries are member of CEN. A group of experts from each National Standard Organizations are appointed to take part of working group 6 (WG 6) for paragliding equipment to update and renewing the EN standards. Example of EN standard is EN 926-2 for flight test and EN 926-1 for load test of paragliders.

Since 2010 Air Turquoise SA have two representatives in WG 6. Alain Zoller who is representative of SHV/FSVL and SNV and Randi Eriksen representative of NLF and SN.
We have renewed EN 926-1, EN 926-2, EN 12491 and we still have to work on the EN 1651. However, the EN standards must be renewed regularly since the paraglider sport is developing.

  • CEN = European Committee for Standardization
  • SHV/FSVL = Swiss Hang gliding & Paragliding Association
  • SNV = Swiss Association for Standardization
  • NLF = Norwegian Air sports federation (Hang- and Paragliding section)
  • SN = Standard Norway